Counselling Services

  • Counselling Consult

    15 minutes - Free

    Proper fit and comfortability with your mental health professional is a key component of therapeutic success. Take this opportunity to ask questions and decide if I am the proper fit for service. I can provide further information about how services offered at Coastline could benefit you.

  • Counselling session

    60 minutes - $140

    Each person’s reason for seeking counselling services is entirely individual and unique. Counselling sessions are tailored to the needs of each client by using an integrative, collaborative approach to help identify goals and strengths while working toward change that is consistent with client values.

  • EMDR session

    90 minutes - $175

    EMDR is a structured approach to processing traumatic memory using eye movements (bilateral stimulation). This service is intended to reduce vivid, emotional response associated with triggered recollection. Please book a consult to further discuss fit for service.

Payment Options

Sessions can be paid using cash, credit card, or e-transfer.


Counselling Therapy is covered by most private insurance providers. Please check your plan to ensure coverage options. My credentials and license numbers below:

Registered Counselling Therapist (CT)- #222

Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC)- #10009529